Call for Papers 8th International Workshop for Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects of Business Models for Virtual Goods incorporating the 6th International ODRL Workshop 30 September - 1 October 2010, Namur, Belgium. in co-location with ODRL group meeting Deadline for Submissions: Extended to 30 May 2010 Virtual Goods + ODRL 2010 is organized by the IFIP Working Group 6.11 Communication Systems in Electronic Commerce and with the support of the German GI Working Group ECommerce. 1. SHORT DESCRIPTION With the rise of new digital music portals, the development of copyright laws world-wide and the increasing success of alternative models, the discussion on digital rights management is even more intense than ever before. Digital content, e.g., MP3 music, flash films, or electronic books, is coming up more and more in the Internet, and doubts that technical protection alone will suffice are increasing. Existing technical approaches to digital rights protection are proprietary and mutual incompatible, they establish closed user groups. Moreover, they overestimate the technical chances to transfer usage rules of physical goods to the digital world by control of end-user devices. Any business model of virtual goods must include not only the virtual objects and their technical control functions, but also the human actors and their personal and economic interest. What is needed is a simple and safe technology which supports a balance of interests between creators, providers and consumers of digital goods. Current technology does not give satisfactory answers. The goal of this conference is to bring together experts from scientific and practical fields, researchers from different disciplines, developers, and users interested in electronic commerce of virtual goods. We will assess current methodologies and bring forward new research directions. We expressly welcome research contributions from different fields, including computer sciences, economics, business, law, human sciences and other relevant disciplines. 2. TOPICS LIST Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following aspects: * New business models of virtual goods * Peer-to-peer distribution systems * Web service infrastructures of securing virtual goods * Digital rights management: technical solutions, user acceptance * Content protection (watermarking, encryption, signatures) * Rights and policy expression languages, esp. but not only ODRL * ODRL profiles and applications * Rights expression/policy models * Policy aware Web * Interoperability within rights expression/policy languages * Economic models of pure virtual environments (Second Life, etc) * Underground markets: malware, copyright infringement, etc. * Digital libraries * Forensics of digital rights * Economic role of the actors * Impact on the society * E-culture participation * Social networks * Social commerce 3. PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES * We expect full papers by 30 May, 2010 * Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research as full papers (max. 15 pages). All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee for originality, significance, clarity and quality * Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, using the Springer LNCS format ( ). A Word template is available from Springer ( For camera-ready format instructions, please see “For Authors“ instructions at * Paper submission will be through the EasyChair website, 4. Conference Proceedings and Publishing in the Web Accepted papers will be printed in a Conference Proceedings Volume published by the Namur University Press and distributed among participants during the conference. Presentations will be published in the Web at 5. CHAIRS: General Co-Chairs Wojciech Cellary Information Technology, The Poznan University of Economics cellary(at) Ruediger Grimm IT Risk management, University Koblenz-Landau grimm(at) Program Committee Co-Chairs Alapan Arnab T-Systems, South Africa Alapan.Arnab(at) Jean-Noel Colin University of Namur, Belgium jean-noel.colin(at) Local Organization Chair Jean-Noel Colin University of Namur, Belgium jean-noel.colin(at) Steering Committee Ruediger Grimm and Juergen Nuetzel 6. Program Committee Alapan Arnab, T-Systems, ZA (PC co-chair) Borka J. Blazic, University and Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, SLO Nathaniel Borenstein, IBM Lotus Division, Ann Arbor MI, USA Karlheinz Brandenburg, Technical University Ilmenau, DE Wojciech Cellary, The Poznan University of Economics, PL (General co-chair) Jean-Noel Colin, University of Namur, Belgium (PC co-chair) Jaime Delgado, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, ES Jana Dittmann, Uni Magdeburg, DE Ed Gerck, Safevote Inc., San Rafael, CA, USA Ruediger Grimm, University of Koblenz, DE (General co-chair) Susanne Guth, Vodafone, DE Berthold Hass, University in Koblenz, DE Thomas Hess, University Munich, DE Renato Iannella, National ICT Australia (NICTA), AU Peter Kropf, Universite de Neuchatel, CH, and Universite de Montreal, CAN Kazimierz Krzysztofek, Warsaw Foundation Pro Cultura, and Warsaw School of Social Psychology, PL Deepa Kundur, Texas A&M University, USA Kia Ng, University Leeds, UK Juergen Nuetzel, AG, Ilmenau, DE Guenther Pernul, Uni Regensburg, DE Alexander Pretschner, Fraunhofer IESE and University of Technology Kaiserslautern, DE Frank Stoll, UBS, Zuerich, CH Herwig Unger, Fernuniversitaet Hagen, DE 7. IMPORTANT DATES Full papers submitted May 30, 2010 Notification of acceptance June 30, 2010 Print-ready papers due July 15, 2010 Workshop in Namur (Belgium) September 30, 2010 Final Book available at workshop September 30, 2010